EL AL Israel Airlines
EL AL Israel Airlines este cea mai mare companie aeriana din Israel. Transportatorul nu este membru al niciunei aliante. Hub-ul este situat pe Aeroportul International Ben Gurion - Tel Aviv. Infiintata in anul 1948, linia a fost privatizata la 1 ianuarie 2005. Traducerea din limba ebraica a termenului "El Al" este "catre cer".
De la zborul inaugural Geneva - Tel Aviv, din septembrie 1948, compania aeriana a crescut si a ajuns sa deserveasca 34 de destinatii, operand servicii regulate interne si internationale, precum si zboruri de marfa in Europa, America de Nord, Africa, in Orientul Apropiat si Indepartat.
EL AL este considerata una dintre companiile aeriene cele mai sigure, datorita procedurilor sale de securitate foarte stricte, atat la sol cat si la bordul aeronavelor sale. Desi a fost tinta unor sechestrari si atacuri teroriste, linia ramane una sigura.
A fost desemnata de IATA ca fiind una din cele mai eficiente companii aeriene. In 1961, El Al a batut recordul mondial parcurgand o distanta de 5,760 mile ( New York - Tel Aviv ) in 9 ore si 33 de minute cu o aeronava Boeing 707. In 1988, transportatorul opereaza cel mai lung zbor direct din istoria tuturor companiilor aeriene: Los Angeles - Tel Aviv, adica 7.000 de mile in 13 ore si 41de minute.
Din 1950 compania are conexiuni permanente cu Londra. In acelasi an a avut loc primul zbor spre SUA. Incepand din iunie 1961, sunt vandute bilete de avion pe rutele permanente spre New Jork. Incepand din anul 1968, transportatorul realizeaza zboruri regulate de pasageri catre Bucuresti, precum si transport de marfuri catre Europa si SUA. In anii '60 compania si-a deschis propria firma independenta de gastronomie, Teshet Tourism and Aviation Services Ltd.
Primul zbor al transportatorului aerian din septembrie 1948 a fost facut cu o aeronava militara de transport Douglas C-54 Skymaster pentru scopuri civile. Calatoria a fost efectuata in prezenta presedintelui de atunci, Chaim Weizmann. Acesta se intorcea in Israel din Geneva. Din cauza embargoului impus in acea perioada pentru Israel, presedintele Weizmann si membrii Guvernului nu s-au putut intoarce in tara cu aeronava guvernamentala. In vederea efectuarii transportului civil, s-au folosit de o aeronava militara, care a fost revopsita si la care s-au adaugat rezervoare pentru combustibil, care sa permita efectuarea zborului fara escale. Dupa acel zbor, aeronava s-a intors in patrimoniul Fortelor Aeriene ale Israelului.
Companiile aeriene El Al au participat de multe ori la actiuni secrete de transportare a cetatenilor evrei din statele in care acestia erau umiliti. Printre altele, sub denumirea "Covorul Fermecat", s-au realizat operatiuni pe teritoriul Iemenului si Edenului. In anul 1991, la actiunea "Operatia Salomon" compania a putut transporta din zonele in pericol, in 36 ore, 14.500 de evrei etiopieni. A fost batut in acel moment recordul la numarul de pasageri transportati intr-un singur avion. Boeing-747, cu o capacitate de 760 pasageri, a transportat atunci 1100 de persoane.
Ca un prim obiectiv pentru terorism, El Al are proceduri stricte de securitate, atat pe teren cat si la bordul aeronavelor sale. Compania are un sistem specific de siguranta a zborului, nemaintalnit la alte linii aeriene. Se caracterizeaza printr-un control amanuntit al bagajelor, completarea unor chestionare, o conversatie individuala cu fiecare pasager pe tema nationalitatii, scopul calatoriei, studiile si profesia, bagajul. Pasagerii care urmeaza sa efectueze un zbor cu liniile El Al sunt rugati sa se prezinte la aeroport in vederea efectuarii check-in-ului cu trei ore inaintea zborului. Printre pasageri zboara intotdeauna un agent in civil si functionari inarmati ai serviciilor de paza. Bagajele sunt deschise si verificate amanuntit. Acestea trec si prin controlul de decompresare, care simuleaza conditiile de zbor.
Flota cuprinde doar aeronave Boeing astfel: 2 Boeing 737-700, 12 Boeing 737-800, 1 Boeing 747 - 400, 6 Boeing 777 - 200, 6 Boeing 747 - 400, 2 Boeing 767 - 200, 6 Boeing 767 - 300, 2 Boeing 757 - 200.
Compania opereaza din Romania, de pe Aeroportul Otopeni, curse directe Bucuresti - Tel Aviv.
Politica bagaje EL AL Israel Airlines
Flights to/from North America, South Africa and the Far East
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (Up to 8 KG (17 Pounds) . The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
2nd checked bag: Up to 6 hours prior to departure -85 USD - Within 6 hours from departure - 100 USD (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (2 Pieces up to 16 KG (35 Pounds).Max Total Wt. 20KG. - The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (2 Pieces up to 16 KG (70 Pounds). Max Total Wt. 24KG. - The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge * The total FBA is 3 pieces (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge * The total FBA is 3 pieces (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
Flights to/from Europe, Cairo
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (Up to 8 KG (17 Pounds) . The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
2nd checked bag: Up to 6 hours prior to departure -85 USD. Within 6 hours from departure - 100 USD (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (2 Pieces up to 16 KG (35 Pounds).Max Total Wt. 20KG. - The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (2 Pieces up to 16 KG (70 Pounds). Max Total Wt. 24KG. - The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
UP Basic- flights to/from Prague, Berlin, Budapest, Kiev and Larnaca on UP "Basic" fare types
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (Up to 8 KG (17 Pounds) . The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Up to 6 hours prior to departure -35 USD - Within 6 hours from departure - 70 USD (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
2nd checked bag: Up to 6 hours prior to departure -35 USD - Within 6 hours from departure - 70 USD (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
UP Smart: for flights to/from Prague, Berlin, Budapest, Kiev and Larnaca on UP "Smart" fare types
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (Up to 8 KG (17 Pounds) . The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
2nd checked bag: Up to 6 hours prior to departure -35 USD - Within 6 hours from departure - 70 USD (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (Up to 8 KG (17 Pounds) . The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
2nd checked bag: Up to 6 hours prior to departure -85 USD - Within 6 hours from departure - 100 USD (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (2 Pieces up to 16 KG (35 Pounds).Max Total Wt. 20KG. - The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (2 Pieces up to 16 KG (70 Pounds). Max Total Wt. 24KG. - The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge * The total FBA is 3 pieces (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge * The total FBA is 3 pieces (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
Flights to/from Europe, Cairo
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (Up to 8 KG (17 Pounds) . The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
2nd checked bag: Up to 6 hours prior to departure -85 USD. Within 6 hours from departure - 100 USD (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (2 Pieces up to 16 KG (35 Pounds).Max Total Wt. 20KG. - The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (2 Pieces up to 16 KG (70 Pounds). Max Total Wt. 24KG. - The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 32 KG (70 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches)))
UP Basic- flights to/from Prague, Berlin, Budapest, Kiev and Larnaca on UP "Basic" fare types
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (Up to 8 KG (17 Pounds) . The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Up to 6 hours prior to departure -35 USD - Within 6 hours from departure - 70 USD (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
2nd checked bag: Up to 6 hours prior to departure -35 USD - Within 6 hours from departure - 70 USD (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
UP Smart: for flights to/from Prague, Berlin, Budapest, Kiev and Larnaca on UP "Smart" fare types
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (Up to 8 KG (17 Pounds) . The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm (56x45x25 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
2nd checked bag: Up to 6 hours prior to departure -35 USD - Within 6 hours from departure - 70 USD (Up to 23 KG (51 Pounds) .The sum of the 3 dimensions shall not exceed 158 cm (61 inches))
Transport copii
Compania asigura servicul "Minori neinsotiti" pentru copii intre 5 si 15 ani, care calatoresc singuri. La cerere, serviciul poate fi extins si pana la varsta de 18 ani. Costul serviciului este de 100 de dolari pe segment de zbor.
Transport animale
Animalele de companie - numai caini, pisici si pasari exotice - nu pot depasi in greutate 8 kg (inclusiv cusca) si vor fi acceptate pentru transport in cabina de pasageri cu un insotitor, cu conditia ca acestea sa fie asezate intr-o cusca nu mai mare de 40 x 40 x 21 cm. Animale mai grele de 9 kilograme se vor transporta in cala avionului.
Compania asigura serviciul de check-in online.
Zboruri disponibile EL AL Israel Airlines
Puteți să rezervați biletul catre destinația dorită, apăsând butonul de rezervare din dreapta fiecărui zbor sau folosind formularul de rezervare bilet.
Bucuresti, Romania Tel Aviv, Israel