Delta Airlines

Delta Airlines este o companie aeriana americana cu sediul in Atlanta, Georgia, care dispune de o retea vasta de rute in America de Nord, America de Sud, Europa, Asia, Africa, Orientul Mijlociu si Caraibe. Nodul principal este Aeroportul International Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson.
Delta Airlines deserveste peste 160 de milioane de clienti in fiecare an. Cu o retea globala de neegalat, Delta ofera servicii in peste 340 destinatii din aproape 60 de tari de pe sase continente.
Aeroportul International Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson este cel mai aglomerat aeroport din lume dupa numarul de pasageri (88 milioane de pasageri pe an), numarul de aterizari si decolari. Delta este cea mai veche companie aeriana din Statele Unite si unul dintre cei patru membri fondatori ai aliantei aeriene SkyTeam, celelalte trei fiind Korean Air, Air France si Aeroméxico.
Delta Airlines a luat fiinta pe 30 mai 1924, in Macon, Georgia, ca fiind prima companie aeriana care se ocupa cu stropirea terenurilor agricole, The Huff Daland Dusters. Detinand un numar de 18 aeronave, era cea mai mare flota aeriana particulara din lume, la acel moment.
Compania s-a mutat la Monroe - Ouachita Parish, in nord-estul Louisianei, in 1925, si a inceput transportul de pasageri la sfarsitul anului 1929. Compania a fost cumparata pe 13 septembrie 1928 si redenumita Delta Air Service, cu sediul in Monroe.
Denumirea transportatorului vine de la un izvor al raului Missisipi. Primele bilete de avion au fost vandute in anul 1929 pe ruta Dallas din Texas catre Jackson din Mississippi. In anul 1935, Delta a pus in functiune zboruri regulate nocturne.
In anul 1945, denumirea companiei a fost modificata in Delta Air Lines Inc. Doi ani mai tarziu, transportatorul a obtinut premiul National Safety Award pentru transportarea a peste 500 milioane de pasageri fara nici un accident mortal.
Primul zbor transatlantic a avut loc in anul 1978 spre Europa - Londra. In anul 1991, Delta a cumparat cea mai mare parte din cursele regulate transatlantice care apartineau PanAm, intarindu-si pozitia pe piata transportatorilor aerieni.
In anul 2008 a avut loc fuziunea dintre Delta Airlines si Northwest Airlines. Datorita tehnologiei Gogo Aircell, la sfarsitul anului 2008, compania a efectuat primele zboruri de proba cu aeronavele McDonell Douglas MD-88 cu internet la bord. Pana la sfarsitul lunii decembrie Internetul era gratuit, dar incepand din ianuarie serviciul costa $10 pentru zborurile de pana la 3 ore si aproximativ $13 pentru zborurile mai lungi. Aeronavele cu internet sunt marcate cu simbolul "Wi-Fi Onboard".
La 31 martie 2012, flota consta in 726 de aeronave: 57 Airbus A319-100, 69 Airbus A320-200, 11 Airbus A330-200, 21 Airbus A330-300, 10 Boeing 737-700, 73 Boeing 737-800, 16 Boeing 747-400, 158 Boeing 757-200, 16 Boeing 757-300, 16 Boeing 767-300, 58 Boeing 767-300ER, 21 Boeing 767-400ER, 8 Boeing 777-200ER, 10 Boeing 777-200LR, 19 McDonnell Douglas DC-9-50, 117 McDonnell Douglas MD-88 si 46 McDonnell Douglas MD-90.
Compania nu opereaza din Romania.
Politica bagaje Delta Airlines
Toate informatiile despre politica de bagaje le puteti afla accesand:
1. Within the US/Canada
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: $25 (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
2nd checked bag: $35 (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (3 pieces - 62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (3 pieces - 62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (3 pieces - 62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (3 pieces - 62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2. Between the US/Canada and the Caribbean (excluding Dominican Republic, Guyana, & Haiti)
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: $25 (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
2nd checked bag: $40 (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
3. Between the US and Central America, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Guyana, & Haiti
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
2nd checked bag: $40 (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
4. Between the US/Canada/Mexico and South America (excluding Brazil & Guyana)
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
2nd checked bag: $75 (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
5. Between the US/Canada/Mexico/Caribbean/Central&South America (excluding Brazil) and Europe and North Africa
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
2nd checked bag: 100 USD/CAD 70 EUR (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
6. Between the North America/South America and Asia/OCeania
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
2nd checked bag: 75 USD/CAD (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
7. Between North America/South America and Japan/Philippines
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
2nd checked bag: 100 USD/CAD (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
8. Intra-Asia (excluding Japan to/from Guam, Saipan, Palau, and the Philippines)
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
9. Between Europe and India
Economy Class
2nd checked bag: EUR 75 (62 linear inches (158 cm) / 50 lbs (23 kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158 cm) / 70 lbs (32 kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158 cm) / 70 lbs (32 kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115 cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158 cm) / 70 lbs (32 kgs)
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158 cm) / 70 lbs (32 kgs)
10. Between Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (157cm) / 50 lbs (23 kg))
2nd checked bag: $40 (62 linear inches (157cm) / 50 lbs (23 kg))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (157cm) / 70 lbs (32 kg))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (157cm) / 70 lbs (32 kg))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (157cm) / 70 lbs (32 kg))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (157cm) / 70 lbs (32 kg))
11. Between Japan and US Pacific Trust
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
2nd checked bag: $40 (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
12. Between North America/South America (excluding Brazil) and Middle East/Southern Africa
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
2nd checked bag: USD/CAD $75 (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
13. Between North America/Central America/South America (excluding Brazil) and India
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
2nd checked bag: USD/CAD $75 EUR 70 (62 linear inches (158cm) / 50 lbs (23kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
14. To/From Brazil
Economy Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (2 pieces - 62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (2 pieces - 62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
Business Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (3 pieces - 62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (3 pieces - 62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
First Class
Carry-on: Free of charge (45 linear inches (115cm))
1st checked bag: Free of charge (3 pieces - 62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
2nd checked bag: Free of charge (3 pieces - 62 linear inches (158cm) / 70 lbs (32kgs))
Transport copii
Serviciul de insotire minori pe zborurile Delta Airlineseste disponibil pentru copiii careau intre 5 si 14 ani si calatoresc neinsotiti de un adult de cel purin 18 ani, tutore sau parinte. Copiii cu varsta intre 5-7 ani pot zbura neinsotiti numai pe zboruri nonstop sau pe zboruri directe, fara schimb de avion. Copiii cu varste 8-14 ani pot calatori pe zboruri nonstop sau de conexiune, dar nu pot avea conexiuni pe alte companii aeriene cu exceptia companiilor Delta Connection (fara AA Eagle), Northwest Airlines, KLM siAir France.
Copii cu varste intre 15-17 ani nu au nevoie de insotitor, insa la cererea parintilor sau a tutorelui Delta Airlines ofera acest serviciu. Taxa de servciu insotire minor este de 100$/one-way pentru zboruri nonstop sau de conexiune. Taxa este valabila numai pentru itinerariile operate de Delta si Delta Connection. Daca itinerariul implica mai multe companii aeriene fiecare companie va percepe taxa aferenta.
Transport animale
Pasagerii care doresc sa calatoreasca impreuna cu animalul de companie trebuie sa anunte la mometul efectuarii rezervarii. In cabina pasagerii pot lua caini, pisici de mici diemsiuni. Pentru transportul acestora se va percepe o taxa care va fi incasata la check-in.
Animalele de companie pot fi transportate si la cala: caini, pisici, hamsteri, porcusori de guineea, iepuri. Taxa pentru one-way este de 275$ pentru calatoriile in interiorul USA, U.S. Virgin Islands si Puerto Rico si 550$ pentru calatoria in afara USA, U.S. Virgin Islands si Puerto Rico.
Compania asigura serviciul check-in online.
Zboruri disponibile Delta Airlines
Puteți să rezervați biletul catre destinația dorită, apăsând butonul de rezervare din dreapta fiecărui zbor sau folosind formularul de rezervare bilet.
Bucuresti, Romania Bogota, Columbia
Bucuresti, Romania Boston, SUA
Bucuresti, Romania Seattle, SUA